Brainchild of bassist, John Collins, The Triffid is a lively concert venue and beer garden that has quickly come to be a kind of Mecca for Brisbane's music lovers; after all there is nothing quite like grooving along to live music, no matter how realistic digital sound systems may get. This converted industrial hangar features the latest sound and light systems to help bring the music to life. Featuring international and local acts side by side, The Triffid promises its guests only the best acts. For a more relaxed and laid-back night, stop by The Triffid beer garden for a drink and some delicious food underneath the open sky. Whether you're attending a show or simply looking for a place where you can hang out with frie4nds, you will always be welcomed with open arms at the beer garden. The Triffid is also available on hire for private functions and occasionally hosts art exhibitions as well.