Honey & the Bear combine delicately interweaving vocal harmonies with emotive and evocative songwriting. The duo of Jon Hart and Lucy Hart conjure tales of folklore, courageous people they admire and their passion for nature. Their spirited and dynamic live shows have enchanted audiences at folk venues and festivals across the UK and in Europe and we are excited to welcome them for their first visit to TwickFolk.
With rhythms that flow from the fast and furious to gentle ballads, Jon and Lucy create a diverse range of sounds and textures. The pair are not only excellent singers but also impressive multi-instrumentalists, covering guitar, bass, bouzouki, ukulele, banjo, mandolin & percussion between them. At TwickFolk, they will be joined on-stage by Toby Shaer (fiddle, flutes and whistles) who also features on both of their studio albums.
Honey & the Bear?s first full studio album, Made in the Aker, was released in July 2019 and followed by a UK tour. The album was well received by both their ever-growing fan base and critics. Less than a year later, the coronavirus pandemic saw the duo grounded and all gigs cancelled, but their music prevailed in the form of Sunday night Facebook livestreams of which they performed thirty-two throughout the year 2020.
After challenging themselves to write a new song for the first 12 weeks of the livestream, they produced a second album, Journey Through the Roke, which was released in April 2021. A stunning collection of songs, the album features many talented guest musicians including Evan Carson (percussion), Archie Churchill Moss of Moore Moss Rutter (melodeon) and Graham Coe of The Jellyman?s Daughter (cello). It received airplay on the BBC Radio 2 Folk Show.
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