Adapted for the stage from the 1992 hit film, Sister Act follows the story of a lounge singer (Deloris) who, after an unlikely turn of events, finds herself in a convent among a group of nuns. When Deloris witnesses a violent crime at the hands of her mobster boyfriend, she enters the witness protection program and is placed in last location any of her old cohorts would find her: a convent. Forced to adhere to the somber and sober life of the church, Deloris clashes with the convent's leader, Mother Superior, but eventually finds her niche with the choir. Through Deloris' leadership, the group of singers is transformed into a soulful gospel choir. The church's attendance and donations skyrocket, attracting the public's attention and subsequently, old problems come to the surface again. Sister Act has been captivating audiences since its 2009 West End premiere with its poignant story line, gripping characters and electric music.