Beatrice Kristi Laus, a.k.a beabadoobee, is a London-based artist known for her folk-pop sound. Born to Filipino parents, Laus became interested in music even before she turned ten and spent her days listening to Filipino and rock music of the '80s. By the time she entered her teens, the likes of Kimya Dawson, (Sandy) Alex G, the Beatles and Chet Bakers had her complete attention. A self-taught guitarist, she recorded her first single "Coffee" in a friend's bedroom and uploaded it online. This single went viral and became her claim-to-fame. Suddenly catapulted into the limelight, she signed with the label Dirty Hit and released the EPs Lice and Patched Up in 2018. Loveworm followed soon after in 2019. The year also saw the release of the singles "If You Want To," "Disappear," "She Plays Bass" and "I Wish I Was Stephen Malkmus," and the EP Space Cadet.