The Kite Runner is a stage production based on Khaled Hosseini's acclaimed 2003 novel of the same name. The story follows Amir, a man from Afghanistan who is haunted by an act of cowardice he committed as a child. The son of a wealthy merchant known as Baba, Amir grew up in Kabul with many luxuries during the 1970s, but his father was often critical of him for being weak. Amir spends much of his time kite fighting with his closest companion is Hassan, who is the son of Baba's servant and who Baba also loves like a son. On the day of a big kite fighting tournament a sadistic older boy named Assef brutally assaults Hassan. Amir witnesses the attack but is too afraid to intervene. Embarrassed and full shame, Amir creates distance between him and Hassan, who he sees as a reminder of his cowardice, and eventually frames Hassan for stealing from his father. Although Baba decides to forgive Hassan, Hassan and his own father end up leaving the household. Fast forward to 2001, and Amir has settled in America when he receives a call that brings back all the mistakes he made as a child. He decides to rectify his behavior and embarks on a dangerous mission to the now Taliban-controlled Kabul.