Blonde is a deep house duo hailing from Bristol, England, comprised of Jacob Manson and Adam Englefield. They are recognized for their captivating melodies and dynamic productions. Their rise to fame began with the release of their debut single, "Foolish," featuring Ryan Ashley, in 2014, followed by the hit "I Loved You," which achieved a peak position of number seven on the UK Singles Chart. The duo has collaborated with a range of artists, such as Charli Taft and Craig David, demonstrating their adaptability with tracks like "All Cried Out" and "Nothing Like This." Additionally, they have co-written songs for other musicians, including Rudimental and Ed Sheeran's "Lay It All on Me." Their distinctive sound merges pop and dance elements, resonating with a diverse audience. With multiple Platinum certifications and an expanding discography that includes non-album singles and collaborations, Blonde is firmly establishing their footprint in the electronic music landscape, continually pushing creative boundaries and shaping the deep house genre.