Created in 1998 by Simon Fuller, the notorious manager of the Spice Girls, S Club 7 is a pop group from London that found a shortcut to mainstream attention with its own BBC television series, Miami 7. Wielding a saccharine, wholesome style, the band enjoyed a successful five-year run that was littered with several hit singles, including "Bring It All Back" and "S Club Party" off of its eponymous debut album. After releasing a third album, 2002's Seeing Double, S Club 7 disappointed an international following by calling it quits. While the group operated as a 3-piece outfit for some time during the late-2000s, all seven original members -- Rachel Stevens, Tina Barrett, Paul Cattermole, Bradley McIntosh, Jo O'meara, Hannah Spearritt and Jon Lee -- reunited in 2014 for another S Club 7 tour.