Roxane Gay is an author, professor, and speaker who is prolific for her catalog of essays and stories but is perhaps best-known for her 2014 collection Bad Feminist. Born and raised in Omaha, NE to parents of Haitian descent, she began her undergraduate studies at Yale and eventually graduated from University of Nebraska--Lincoln before earning her Ph.D in Rhetoric and Technical Communication. In 2010 she started her teaching career at Eastern Illinois University while also pursuing a career in publishing by contributing to Bluestem magazine and starting her own publishing house, Tiny Hardcore Press. Gay became an associate professor of creative writing at Purdue University in 2014, the same year she published two books, the novel Untamed and the now iconic Bad Feminist, which has been canonized as a staple in third wave feminist literature. In 2017, she again released two books, a collection of short stories called Difficult Women, and a memoir titled Hunger. Between her book tours and active presence on Twitter, Gay regularly contributes to Salon and has become a lauded speaker through gigs like her five-minute segment on This American Life.