Nick & Simon is a Dutch pop duo consisting of Nick Schilder and Simon Keizer. Coming from the musical town of Volendam in the Netherlands, the duo represents the so-called "palingsound," a popular style of native Dutch music. Before teaming up in 2006, Schilder and Keizer both played with Jan Smit, another famous resident of Volendam. When the two of them failed to reach the finals of talent show Idols, they wrote their own Dutch language repertoire and gained popularity in their home country. Nick & Simon's debut album Nick & Simon was released in 2006. Not long after, Vandaag was released and contained the hit singles "Kijk Omhoog," "Pak Maar Mijn Hand," "Rosanne" and "Hoe Lang." After yet another successful album Luister, Nick & Simon started focusing on a theater tour, appearing in television shows and presenting their very own documentary Nick & Simon, The American Dream.