Established in 1969, Los Huracanes del Norte is a renowned Mexican Norteño band that has captivated audiences worldwide with their captivating lyrics and energetic performances. Consisting of the Hernandez Brothers - Heraclio, Jesús, and Francisco Javier, along with their cousin, Jose Guadalupe "Lupillo" Hernandez, the quartet has become an iconic figure in the genre. Los Huracanes del Norte's music is an amalgamation of traditional Norteño sounds with elements of Ranchera and Corrido music, creating a unique and distinctive style. Known for their powerful vocals and skilled instrumental talents, they have produced a vast discography consisting of over 120 albums, featuring countless hits such as "La Higuera," "Mi Complemento," and "Como Un Huracán." Their lyrics often tackle themes of love, heartbreak, social issues, and the realities of life in the Mexican-American border region. Los Huracanes del Norte's ability to evoke emotions through their music has earned them numerous accolades, including multiple Grammy nominations and Billboard Latin Music Awards. Beyond their musical contributions, Los Huracanes del Norte have also made philanthropic efforts, supporting various charities and organizations. With their enduring popularity and influential career, Los Huracanes del Norte continues to be an emblem of Mexican Norteño music.