Pesado is a renowned Mexican musical group that is widely recognized for their refreshing take on the genre of Duranguense and Norteno music. Founded in 1993, Pesado has made a significant impact in the regional Mexican music scene, quickly becoming one of the most influential bands in the industry. Known for their high-energy performances, unique musical arrangements, and catchy lyrics, Pesado consistently delivers a captivating live experience for their fans. The band's distinctive style blends traditional Mexican genres with contemporary sounds and influences, resulting in a refreshing and innovative sound. With their smooth harmonies, powerful vocals, and skillful instrumentation, Pesado creates an infectious and irresistible musical fusion that appeals to a wide audience. Over the years, Pesado has released numerous successful albums, earning several prestigious awards and accolades for their outstanding contributions to Mexican music. Their discography includes hits like "Ojala Que Te Mueras," "Mi Primer Amor," and "Desde La Cantina," among many others, which have become fan favorites and classic tracks within the genre. With their enduring popularity, Pesado continues to be a force to reckon with, consistently pushing boundaries and captivating audiences with their talent, passion, and dedication to their craft.