At first glance, this 10 piece band resembles a group of hippies more than a musical act. Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros is a collection of buoyant musicians who do not shy away from the themes of happiness and love. They are that rare band that comes along from time to time, so genuine that their songs force any listener to crack smile. Lead singer Alex Ebert, former vocalist for the grunge-rock band Ima Robot, is an unrecognizable version of his former self. Usually seen shirtless with his long hair pulled into a messy bun on top of his head, the heavily bearded Ebert is this folk-alternative band’s front man. Jade Castrinos, the lead female vocalist, was no doubt the inspiration for many of the songs on the band’s debut album, Up From Below and it’s not hard to figure out why. With a childlike demeanor and a truly exceptional voice, Castrinos is infectious. Her harmonies weave seamlessly in and out of the cascade of jangling percussion from the rest of Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros. Their twangy tunes, particularly Ebert and Castrinos’ duet, “Home,” have pushed the band to the forefront of the indie folk rock scene.